Naked Penguin Boy creates interactive drive for Madagascar DVD

Interactive agency Naked Penguin Boy has created its third project for Dreamworks with an online promotion supporting the DVD release of the box-office hit 'Madagascar'.

The agency has produced a microsite, five online games, downloads and materials for marketing departments worldwide to support the November release of the DVD. The English version of the microsite is due to launch in mid-November.

This is the third marketing project that Naked Penguin Boy has completed for Dreamworks, having previously developed campaigns for 'Shrek 2' and 'Shark Tale'.

Features on the microsite include mobile telephone wallpaper of the film's characters, including Alex the lion, Marty the zebra, Gloria the hippo and Melman the giraffe.

Users can also download "desktop buddies" such as the psychotic Madagascar penguins, Skipper, Riko, Kowalksi and Private.

Fans of the film can also get hold of screensavers and an email signature that can be downloaded for use in Outlook and Outlook Express.

Rob Heasley, creative director of Naked Penguin Boy, said: "Our long standing relationship with DreamWorks has enabled us to earn the company's trust and creative respect. We are fortunate to have a client that allows us enough flexibility and time to create the most engaging interactive content possible."

Dreamworks confirmed that it will continue to use Naked Penguin Boy for future projects.

The film tells the story of a group of animal friends who are put on a ship to Africa by well-meaning New Yorkers who try to take them away from the stresses of the city.

The animals are faced with a group of penguins who try to sabotage the ship and have to learn how to survive in the wild.

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by Julia Pearlman


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