Madagascar on DVD November 15th

Madagascar is arriving on DVD and you can expect heavy sales on this hysterical adventure of four zoo animal friends and a crew of wacked out penguins. Look for it to hit shelves this coming November 15th.

Technical Features

Available in both 1.85:1 Anamorphic Widescreen & Full Screen
English and French in Dolby Digital 5.1
English and Spanish in Dolby Digital 2.0
English, French and Spanish subtitles
Bonus Features

Penguin commentary as they give you their unique take on the film
Untamed games and activities (including Foosa Whack and Learn to Draw)
Behind the Crates featurette
Tech of Madagascar featurette
Mad Mishaps featurette
'Crack the Code' game for a special prize
and more

To view the cover artwork click here.


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