Fort Jesus And Kayas Candidates for Top Sites

Fort Jesus, Mombasa Old Town, Rift Valley lakes and Mijikenda Kayas are among the sites that could be added to the World Heritage Sites map, an official has said.

Dr George Abungu, who was recently elected as a member of the Unesco World Heritage Committee, said the main challenge facing heritage sites was lack of funding to develop infrastructure. And local communities were also not aware of the value of the sites and needed to be educate about them, he added.

The official also said that heritage sites faced with the threat of being de-listed will be given a new lease of life.

Happily, Lamu, the only cultural site in Kenya to be listed was not yet on the danger list but needed urgent attention to address the collapsing drainage system and unregulated buildings.

Other Kenyan sites on the prestigious map include Mt Kenya and Sibiloi in Turkana, which were classified as natural sites.

"Lamu does not have a working management plan. One of the steps we are going to take is to ensure that within one year, everything is in place so that negotiations for funding can start in earnest," Dr Abungu said.

According to him, 44 sites in Africa had been put on the danger list and risked being de-listed.

He said the biggest task ahead of the committee was to mobilise support from African leaders to start appreciating the value of the heritage sites as important source of economic development.

"The priority for most African countries seems to revolve around fighting poverty, providing health care and education but neglecting their heritage," he said.

Dr Abungu was elected in a hotly contested poll for eleven slots in the 21-States committee that attracted 30 contestants from the US, Canada, South Korea, Peru, Cuba and seven Arab countries. Kenya won the seat after garnering 60 votes in the third round of the election.

Kenya joined Benin, Madagascar and Mauritius, the other African countries with seats in the committee that determines the listing, development of management plans for the heritage sites.

The country's presence in the committee was expected to bolster Kenya's efforts to preserve her heritage sites.


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