Puerto Rico is where women wear the highest heels in the entire U.S, study finds

And the winner is – drum roll – Puerto Rico.

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Puerto Rico claims the top spot in a survey of United States and its territories seeking where women wore the highest heels.

Puerto Rico came in with an average of 2.86 inch heels, with Nevada, Florida, Arkansas and Texas following the island.

The survey, titled “Stilettos by State,” was conducted by Gilt, an online shopping site, in effort to see whether fashion tastes varied by location.

Nebraska, Kansas and Maine were home to women preferring the shortest heels, just under 1.97 inches.

The Gilt survey did not look at boots and ballet flats.

High heel averages in states near the top of the list were 2.46 inches in Florida, 2.35 inches in Texas, and 2.25 inches in California.

Theories abounded in published reports about the variety of taste in heels. They included drawing a link between a preference for high heels and warm weather, and low heels and rural areas.

Another publication drew a parallel between high heels and places where people tend to drive more from one point to another, and low heels in places, such as New York City, where women do a considerable amount of walking.

Gilt, meanwhile, didn’t offer much analysis. It reflected its results in a “heel map” of the United States, with little commentary.

Puerto Rico is where women wear the highest heels in the entire U.S, study finds


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