Press Review: Fri, 27 May 2005

Roaring Laughs in 'Madagascar'
ABC News – USA
There's got to be some way to get them to Madagascar.
"Madagascar" is going to be this summer's "Shrek." Even when the story loses steam, the jokes don't. Grade: B

Assessing 'Madagascar'
San Francisco Chronicle - San Francisco,CA,USA
The real test will come in video sales, not at the box office.
The pressure on "Madagascar" video sales is especially high because DreamWorks Animation, based in Glendale (Los Angeles County), missed its first- quarter earnings target due to a big disappointment in "Shrek 2" video sales.

Krispy Kreme Introduces Madagascar(TM) Doughnut
Yahoo News (press release) – USA
In celebration of DreamWorks Animation's new computer animated feature film Madagascar(TM), Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, Inc. (NSYE: KKD) is delighted to introduce a limited time offer of a Madagascar(TM) Tropical Sprinkle Doughnut at participating U.S. retail stores. Madagascar(TM) opens on May 27th in over 3,700 theaters nationwide in the U.S.

Moviemaking in 2 places at same time
The Washington Times Wed, 25 May 2005 9:37 PM PDT
What she got to solve the problem was a communication marvel called the Virtual Studio Collaboration system (VSC), which allowed her entire team to work closely together from multiple locations.


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