Culebra Island: The Hidden Gem of Puerto Rico with Something for Everyone

Culebra, a.k.a., Snake Island, is still a sleepy little speck, just a hop from the mainland of Puerto Rico, where fine white sand beaches, coral reefs and friendly smiles abound. Go for the snorkeling, for the diving, or even just the sunbathing and people watching on Flamenco Beach, but don’t go looking for luxury in the form of high-end resorts or fine dining – it’s not there yet.

And that’s the allure of Culebra: it’s an escape, not only from cold climates, but from the fast pace of life, the onslaught of media and marketing — Internet is slow and intermittent — and also from our consumer-based society (no ones trying to hawk anything anywhere on the island). Without ever leaving the U.S., you will be transported to another world, and a simpler time.

My family spent a week searching for the best beaches, swimming, snorkeling and diving. We’re a hard bunch to please: I have two newly minted divers in my family, my son, 13, and daughter, 12, and their instructor, my dad, plus my diving husband. They were looking for easy dives to build the kids’ confidence with their gear, while I was looking for some good shore snorkeling and sandy beaches for my Kindergartener and my mom. We found all that in Culebra, plus stellar views at night from our perch above the main town of Dewey.

There are no real must-see attractions, no museums demanding attention or hot spots begging to be sampled, and so we simply relaxed, dipped our bodies in the warm briny sea, and played in the sand. Somewhere along the way our collective “reset” button was pushed.

And don’t worry about the name: We only saw one snake (curled in our pool cover) and no venomous snakes inhabit Culebra. Whew! Chickens and roosters are a different story.

How to get there
Traveling to Culebra recently got easier, with Cape Air offering four flights a day directly from San Juan’s Luis Muñoz Marín International Airport for $200-$350 round trip. The 30-minute flight on the 10-seat (including the pilot) puddle jumpers is more exciting than a ride at Six Flags. If you’re lucky, you might even get to ride shotgun next to your pilot.
Alternatively, a ferry connects Fajardo on the east coast of the main island to Culebra for only $2.50 each way. That route entails taking a taxi (about $80) from San Juan, or renting a car one-way ($26-$70) and driving 90 minutes or more over congested roads.

Where to stay

(Photo: Clube Seabourne/Facebook)
Culebra Island: The Hidden Gem of Puerto Rico with Something for Everyone

There’s something for everyone at Snake Island. (Sarah Landis)
Sarah Landis

The Hidden Gem of Puerto Rico with Something for Everyone


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