Star Wars III - King of World's Box Office 2005

"Star Wars: Episode III -- Revenge Of The Sith" is the world's number one film of 2005. It grossed $848.5 million (Lm303 million) at the box office. 45% of that income came from US theatres with the other 55% from the rest of the world. Local audiences contributed very little to this sci-fi thriller bonanza as Star Wars films never are very popular in Malta.

Second placed is "Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire" which tallied $715.3 million. It is UK"s number one film for 2005.

The following are the world's top ten films for 2005.

Star Wars: Episode III -- Revenge Of The Sith - $848.5 million
Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire - $715.3 million
War Of The Worlds - $588.9 million
Madagascar - $525.7 million
Charlie And The Chocolate Factory - $471.9 million
Mr. & Mrs. Smith - $454.8 million
Batman Begins - $371.9 million
Hitch - $368.1 million
Fantastic Four - $329.5 million
Wedding Crashers - $283.1 million
by Mario Azzopardi


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