Animated Feature Oscar Contenders Announced

The Academy followed up its announcement regarding the Best Documentary contenders with the 10 films that will contend for the Animated Feature Oscar.
There were no notable omissions, and with such a low number of eligible animated features, relative to the “live-action” variety, almost all were included. However, Valiant--about a pigeon-turned-hero during World War II--is a surprising inclusion since it was widely panned by critics and largely ignored by audiences. The same goes for Steamboy, about a boy inventor in 1860s Britain, which hardly got any play in the U.S.
There seem to be a few frontrunners vying for the coveted top three spots in this relatively new category. Madagascar, Tim Burton's Corpse Bride and Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit all have the upper hand, but there is room for a few surprises, including Hoodwinked, which is being released Christmas weekend.

Here are the contenders:

Chicken Little
Gulliver’s Travel
Howl's Moving Castle
Tim Burton's Corpse Bride
Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit

All nominees will be formally announced Jan. 31, 2006, and the Oscar ceremony will take place Sunday, March 5, 2006, in Los Angeles, airing at 5 p.m. PST on ABC.

By Brian Marder


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