Kellogg's signs on with DreamWorks

Dreamworks, the movie studio headed by Steven Spielberg and other big media moguls, Television

has signed cereal and snacks maker Kellogg's to create treats and goodies based on its movies. Under the agreement Kellogg's gets exclusive rights to make cereals and other tasty breakfast foods based on Dreamworks movies including Shrek 3 and Madagascar 2. Kellogg's will be responsible for promoting the foods, and therefore the movies, via in-store, TV and online ads.

Kellogg's is just four years into what was supposed to be a 15-year agreement to do just this kind of thing for Disney but that deal's fate is now uncertain. Kellogg's is unlikely to create product for two movies from competing studios, after all. Sales of the Disney movie-themed snacks were moderate at best.

Chris Thilk
Filed under: Online, Print, Television


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